INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | What is a hotline?
Educational Articles

What is a hotline?

INHOPE Member Hotlines enable the public to anonymously report online material they suspect may be illegal. A hotline analyst will investigate the report and if confirmed illegal, they act to have the content removed from the internet as rapidly as possible.

In order to join the INHOPE Network, hotlines have to meet certain criteria. These can be found in the INHOPE Code of Practice.

What kind of material can I report to a hotline?

All hotlines in the INHOPE network handle reports of Child Sexual Abuse Material. Reports they receive will be investigated according to the national legislation of the country the hotline operates in. Many hotlines in the INHOPE Network also handle reports of other kinds of illegal activity e.g. online grooming, hate speech, and online scams. Find out what kind of reports your national hotline handles here.

Can I get help from a hotline if I'm suffering online or sexual abuse?

For advice and support for online abuse you should contact your local helpline. INHOPE Hotlines' primary function is to remove illegal content from the internet. Helplines give advice to young people, parents and carers on online challenges, such as harmful content, contact and conduct online are organised in a network called Insafe. They deal with issues such as cyberbullying, grooming and data privacy but also with relationship issues online. These helplines are organised in a network called Insafe.

If you are suffering online or sexual abuse, or any of the other issues listed above, get in touch with your local helpline. Find out your local helpline here.

Is a hotline the same as a Safer Internet Centre?

INHOPE’s European Members are one component of the Safer Internet Centres. These centres are made up of hotlines, helplines (as described above) and national awareness centres.

National awareness centres educate children, parents and teachers, by producing prevention materials and working in schools to ensure children are aware of the dangers and are more resilient when they are online.

Learn more about the difference between a hotline and a portal here.

What is a hotline?
17.01.2021 - by INHOPE

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