INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | Building your career in Trust and Safety with Margaux Liquard
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Building your career in Trust and Safety with Margaux Liquard

The third webinar in our season of Expert Insights welcomed Margaux Liquard, Trust and Safety Lead at Yubo who broke down the Trust and Safety landscape to the 70+ attendees, all keen to hear how to support their teams, and take the next step in their career.

“How have we got to this point?”

Drawing on ten years of experience, Margaux opened by outlining the immense changes the Trust and Safety (T&S) sector has seen. What is now a fast moving and complex online environment, T&S professionals must react to and anticipate a wide range of threats.

Keeping pace with these evolving threats without sacrificing any of the key principles of T&S – transparency, consistency, and integrity – requires a proactive approach and segmentation of threats. As this session made clear, this presents the opportunity for individual growth and career development by specializing and working at increasing levels of seniority.

"The best kept secret"

Shifting the conversation to concrete examples, we turned to a deep dive into the variety and quality of opportunities within T&S, including specialisations in investigations, policy, back-end development and more. With the right leaders, focusing on developing the skills of your team not only leads to individual career development, but also a higher quality of output.

“When to automate, and when to manually deep dive?”

By breaking down this question into different metrics, attendees were provided with a clear strategy for how to ensure a safe environment for users without placing undue pressure on staff. Like with individual career development, the key for developing effective automation processes is segmenting the different kinds of threats and processes, and developing a proactive response.

“The glue that keeps things together”

Margaux finished on what she considers “the glue that keeps things together” – team culture and wellbeing. This, to her, means many things. There needs to be a culture of ownership and innovation. People’s ideas should be listened to and their contribution recognized with emphasis placed on the value of cultural difference. People should know how important their role is, and the direct impact they’re having on people’s lives, and when assessing people’s performances, focus should be placed on the “how” and not just the “what”.

With a highly engaged audience, questions ranged from reflections on the drivers of change within the T&S sector and the availability and need for skilled professionals in the industry; the need for balance between cultural specificity versus universal values in content moderation; and the need for collaboration with law enforcement.

If you’d like to watch this webinar in full, then please contact To make sure you don’t miss out on our next webinar, sign up for updates here.

Building your career in Trust and Safety with Margaux Liquard
22.04.2021 - by INHOPE

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