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Stricter Penalties, Stronger Support: Impact of the Recast CSAM Directive

In a landmark step towards safeguarding children, the European Commission has a adopted a draft proposal of the child sexual abuse material (CSAM) Directive.

Stricter Penalties, Stronger Support: Impact of the Recast CSAM Directive

How the Recast EU CSAM Directive Empowers INHOPE Hotlines

The European Commission has adopted a proposal to recast the criminal law rules around child sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation. Once implemented, the proposed recast of the EU C (...)

How the Recast EU CSAM Directive Empowers INHOPE Hotlines

The future of the Universal Classification Schema

In a landmark initiative to combat child sexual abuse material (CSAM) worldwide, the first year of the Global Standard project resulted in the the launch of the Universal Classification (...)

The future of the Universal Classification Schema

How can you use the Universal Classification Schema?

The fight against child sexual abuse material (CSAM) is a critical global effort that demands collaboration and information sharing across all sectors and stakeholder groups. The Univers (...)

How can you use the Universal Classification Schema?

What is generative AI?

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a type of artificial intelligence capable of producing various types of content, including text, imagery, audio, and other media.

What is generative AI?

INHOPE hotlines: Your Trusted Flagger Against Exploitation online

The recently enacted Digital Services Act (DSA), which will apply across the entire EU starting February 17, has given Trusted Flaggers official increased priority status.

INHOPE hotlines: Your Trusted Flagger Against Exploitation online