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INHOPE hotlines: Your Trusted Flagger Against Exploitation online

The recently enacted Digital Services Act (DSA), which will apply across the entire EU starting February 17, has given Trusted Flaggers official increased priority status.

Previously, the priority of reports submitted by Trusted Flaggers was based solely on stakeholder relationships between the Flagger and their partner organisations. With the DSA, the EU has created a formal legal basis for Trusted Flagger recognition within the European Union. Companies will be required to act on reports received from nationally selected Trusted Flaggers and treat these notices with “priority and without undue delay.” To ensure compliance across all online service providers, increased accountability measures will be applied. Non-compliance can result in suspension or loss of status.

Your Ideal Trusted Flagger

The new regulations don’t only impact the responsibilities of online platforms but establish new rules for which actors can be considered Trusted Flaggers. Trusted Flagger status will be awarded by the Digital Services Coordinator of each respective Member State to organisations that fulfil a certain set of requirements, all of which are met by the INHOPE member hotlines within the EU. The requirements are as follows:

  • Expertise in detecting identifying and notifying illegal content online: INHOPE is a leading global network of hotlines dedicated to combatting all forms of child sexual abuse and exploitation material online. Founded in 1999, INHOPE and its member organisations have decades of experience in identifying, processing and removing harmful and illegal content from the internet. INHOPE is dedicated to upholding the highest quality standards across the network. This is achieved through mandatory membership requirements, regular hotline analyst training and technological innovation and development.

  • Representing collective interest and independence from the provider of online platforms: As a global non-profit organisation run by its members for its members INHOPE remains an objective independent actor in the child protection field. With 54 member hotlines across all continents, the INHOPE network represents a collective global interest in eradicating CSAM from the digital world.

  • Submit notices in a timely, diligent, accurate and objective manner: INHOPE member hotlines have a proven record of rapidly processing and removing harmful content. Yearly published Annual Reports as well as the INHOPE data portal updated every quarter, outline key hosting, reporting and removal data across all member hotlines. In 2022 for instance, 67% of all illegal content URLs were removed from the internet within 3 days after a Notice and Takedown order from INHOPE member hotlines.

The DSA is a critical step taken by the EU to establish a legal basis and enhanced priority for Trusted Flaggers. This is an important milestone in streamlining the removal of harmful content. As a global organisation with the mission of eradicating child sexual abuse material (CSAM) from the digital world, INHOPE member hotlines within the EU constitute the optimal Trusted Flagger candidate.

What about Trusted Flagging outside the EU? Learn more about INHOPE's Trusted Reporter Program.

INHOPE hotlines: Your Trusted Flagger Against Exploitation online

What about Trusted Flagging outside the EU? Learn more about INHOPE's Trusted Reporter Program.
