Hotline & Network Updates
Polish holine Dyż on statistics and welfare during COVID-19
The reality of COVID-19 is requiring us to establish a totally different way of work in a very short time period. Now the Polish hotline team, like other hotlines, is mostly working from home. To maintain a high quality of work and smooth reports resolving we decided to make office duties in order to proceed reports without delays especially when it comes to CSAM. As the team we decided that no one of us should deal with materials at their own homes – it can interfere greatly with the work-life balance that is so important in our profession.
We want to ensure every report to be checked. Hopefully, our statistics show that we are doing a great job. If we compare the year 2020 to 2019 totally from January to March we increased to 3814 (2020) from 3142 (2019) reports; CSAM 824 (2020) and 526 (2019). We also noticed an increase in a number of reports which we sent to INHOPE - which was 814 in 2020 and 371 in 2019. The reason for the increase is caused by more accurate reports, with more technical details, received from the public.
In this hard time of lockdown, it is important to mind our welfare rules and take care of each other. We can recommend daily video calls as the first line of support for everybody' we tried it and it has made a tremendous positive difference for our daily struggles.

Photo by NASK, INHOPE, European Commission
The reason for the increase is caused by more accurate reports, with more technical details, received from the public.