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SID 2020 - Point de Contact launches its reporting app and talks innovation at the Maison de l’Europe
INHOPE's French reporting hotline Point de Contact presented at the French launch of Safer Internet Day 2020, opened by the Child Protection Minister Adrien Taquet and alongside its Safer Internet France consortium partners. The event took place in the morning at the Ministry for Solidarity and Health in Paris.
Protecting children online was also high on the agenda of Point de Contact's dedicated multi-stakeholder event that took place in the evening at the Maison de l'Europe. European and international cooperation in the fight against child sexual abuse material (CSAM), as facilitated by the INHOPE network, was a key topic of discussion. The partnership between France and the US was underscored, with a special video statement from John F. Clark, the CEO of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).
During a roundtable on technological and social innovation, speakers from law enforcement authorities, social media platforms, tech companies and the hotline shared expert insights and latest developments. The event demonstrated that Point de Contact is a public-private innovation lab in the fight against the most aggravated forms of illegal content (CSAM, terrorist propaganda, cyberhate). General Marc Watin-Augouard, founder of the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC), laid emphasis on the need to better protect those who protect us, moderators, analysts and all the professionals on the frontline against cybercrime, acknowledging the white paper on staff welfare as best practice.
Point de Contact continues to adapt the reporting of suspecting illegal content to new digital uses and younger generations, with the launch of a reporting app (available on iOS and Android).

Photo by Point de Contact, INHOPE
The event demonstrated that Point de Contact is a public-private innovation lab in the fight against the most aggravated forms of illegal content.