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Internet Hotline NMHH of Hungary on SID 2020
The National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) has disclosed last year’s statistics of the Internet Hotline and has introduced a teaser video to support safer internet use on Safer Internet Day.
Internet Hotline received 824 complaints in 2019, showing a 13 percent higher rate compared to 2018. Most of these reports (276) were in the category of CSAM, which is currently the leading one out of the nine reporting categories at Internet Hotline. The number of reports on CSAM showed a significant, three-fold increase compared to 2018. Nearly one-third of the reports in this category was considered as CSAM. Apart from the increasing awareness in domestic internet use, the exceptionally high number of reported CSAM in 2019 can be explained by the wider crawling range of Arachnid.
Tied to this year’s theme of the Safer Internet Day, online identity, NMHH has created a 15-second video. The video shows the deconstruction of a girl’s social media photo, removing the typical settings, filters and stickers until we finally come face-to-face with an actual child. The makers of the video intended to highlight the distance created in an almost natural way on social media platforms, between online and real identities. The NMHH recommends that parents should talk to their children about how they view others based on their online presence, and how they portray themselves online. Click here to see the teaser video:
Budapest, 14 February 2020

The number of reports on CSAM showed a significant, three-fold increase compared to 2018.