INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | Law Enforcement in the fight against Child Sexual Abuse Material - Part 3
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Law Enforcement in the fight against Child Sexual Abuse Material - Part 3

Last week we discussed the potential benefits and challenges of the use of Artificial Intelligence in the fight against CSAM. This week we’re looking at the challenges faced by law enforcement. If you're working in law enforcement, get involved in the conversation and help us get closer to our goal of an internet free of CSAM.

Law enforcement agencies frequently suffer from limited resources, and can get bogged down under the weight of time-consuming administrative procedures. Arguably, the authorities can never hope to match the online companies due to their ability to "move fast and break things." 

What can be done to change the effect of this on children to protect them from harm? ​

An open discussion among people working in the field of online child protection evoked three major themes:

  • There is a need for internet safety education for children and those responsible for them.
  • Cybercrime is still a relatively new phenomenon and the techniques that perpetrators are using to enact and hide their crimes are constantly growing in sophistication. Relevant and up-to-date training is needed for law enforcement agencies to keep them one step ahead of this ever-changing landscape.
  • Children’s experiences need to be considered and their voices heard when developing new policies and assessing the impact of existing policies.

INHOPE works with its partner organisation Insafe and all Safer Internet Centres raising awareness and hearing from young people to ensure their voices are heard when we discuss changing policies that relate to children.

Do you have an opinion about this? Perhaps you’ve come across a relevant story in the media worth sharing or are experiencing similar challenges in your profession.

Get in touch at and become a part of the collaboration between industry, hotlines, and law enforcement fighting CSAM.

Click here to read about the role the associated taboo plays in the rise in prevalence of CSAM.

*Source: INHOPE Summit, Breakout Room Two

Law Enforcement in the fight against Child Sexual Abuse Material - Part 3
26.11.2020 - by INHOPE
Photo by INHOPE

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