INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | INHOPE Banners

INHOPE Banners


We are sharing banners ads which can be uploaded onto your website, social media platform, or blog to direct your visitors to report any Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) they find online.

You can download the full pack of resources here.


Do you, your friends, and your family all know where to report CSAM if you come across it online? Most people don't. That's why we want to make sure everyone has the tools to respond, to together build a safer internet for everyone.

Join our global awareness raising initiative and educate people on how and where to report CSAM, prevent the viral sharing of illegal content and enable hotlines to put a stop to the revictimization by getting CSAM taken down.


Our banner ads can be used by anyone: hotlines, industry, governmental and non-governmental organisations. They can be uploaded onto websites, social media platforms, and blogs.


To use our banner ads, simply download the images and select which one fits your platform best. Then upload your chosen image with the following hyperlink:

Extra information?

If you’d like more information on how to use our banners, or any specifications, then tell us what you need at

INHOPE Banners
10.05.2021 - by INHOPE

Download the full pack of resources here.
