Events & Campaigns
INHOPE Annual Summit 2019
The second annual INHOPE Summit, Emma’s Journey, took place in Facebook’s Menlo Park HQ in California on 5th June 2019. It brought together representatives from the technology sector, the US Department of Justice, child advocates from both sides of the Atlantic, and law enforcement, to highlight the critical work that the INHOPE network of hotlines does every day.
Trends were shared and open discussions were undertaken to create a transparent and collaborative pathway to find solutions on how industry and all stakeholders can do better to prevent revictimisation. The message shared was that there is a sense of urgency to collaborate on tech innovation and strategic planning, a need for all citizens and companies to understand that they can make a difference and that this is a specific societal challenge seen around the world. Stakeholders agreed that there was an urgency concerning the online CSAM epidemic and that we can put a stop to this if we all work together.
The morning of the summit featured presentations and panel discussions on: how the INHOPE network of hotlines supports all the Emmas that are being abused or have been abused and rescued every day; reporting and assessment - what steps are taken by the INHOPE network of hotlines delivered by Michelle DeLaune, COO, NCMEC; the role that INHOPE and ICCAM play in preventing the revictimisation of Emma; how the Crisp external, extended intelligence approach helps prevent the revictimisation of Emma; rescuing Emma through collaboration: INTERPOL, ICCAM, ICSE database and Police2Peer; INHOPE’s impact and INHOPE’s impact in police efforts to expedite the rescue of Emma (AviaTor).
In the afternoon, sessions included trends and prevention and why hotlines are critical. Joanna Rubinstein, CEO of World Childhood Foundation USA delivered the ‘Out of the Shadows’ report, an Index on child sexual abuse providing insights into how the Index will elevate the INHOPE network of hotlines’ work to remove online CSAM.
A representative from the US Department of Justice spoke on how the USA is fighting for Emma and other victims of child sexual exploitation and child sexual abuse, why hotlines matter and what the future holds with upcoming technology and what this means for the challenge that we already face.
It was evident that the further distribution of images has to be stopped and that all stakeholders have an obligation to those who have been abused. All citizens, global leaders, businesses and global brands must play a role today.

The message shared was that there is a sense of urgency to collaborate on tech innovation and strategic planning