INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | Individual issue vs a Societal issue
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Individual issue vs a Societal issue

Journalists can help audiences understand that child abuse and neglect is not simply the result of individual failures or family dynamics, but a public health issue that affects communities and society in significant ways.

Stories that highlight steps anyone can take to provide safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments for children will be more helpful for prevention than focusing on the response after violence has occurred.

Promoting prevention

Work with child abuse prevention organizations to find story angles that help audiences understand the serious, life-long consequences of child maltreatment and illustrate how prevention approaches can help. News stories should include information on rates of abuse and common circumstances of child maltreatment in the county or state to increase awareness of the problem. Address if public policy responds to sexual violence in a comprehensive manner, focusing both on prevention and intervention.

Providing context

Reach out for statements, statistics, and insights on the topic of CSAM online. We can provide content that can not only shed light on the issue of CSAM but on the solutions! Tackling the issue of Child Sexual Abuse Material on a global scale requires breaking the taboo. Promote awareness, educate readers, speak with authorities, and answer questions.

Learn more about our CSAM Media guidelines for reporting on child sexual abuse.

Individual issue vs a Societal issue
Photo by INHOPE

Promote awareness, educate readers, speak with authorities, and answer questions.
