INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | Welcoming NetPatrola Serbia
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Welcoming NetPatrola Serbia

NetPatrola Serbia is one of INHOPE’s newest member hotlines, thanks to support from the End Violence Fund, and seeks to empower their country and community through awareness, education and reducing the stigma on child sexual abuse material (CSAM).

What inspired your organisation to join the INHOPE network? 

The availability of faster internet connections and the development of technology have led to an increase in crime, which clearly indicates the need to develop mechanisms to protect children from sexual exploitation and raise awareness of the need to involve society in combating sexual exploitation. We realised the need for a hotline in our country and recognise the fact that many are not aware of the topic or view it as a stigma. We were looking for ways to inform people and joining the INHOPE network is the first step and opportunity for our country to be educated on what is CSAM. Achieving this is a goal for not only for our organisation but also for our country.

What do you consider to be the biggest benefit of the INHOPE network?

INHOPE’s expertise, connection with other hotlines and similar organisations. We also appreciate the continual network of support which helped in getting us established as a member hotline.

What is the most challenging part of becoming an INHOPE member hotline? 

 The conditions of joining INHOPE, particularly to cooperate with local government and the police. Needing the necessary documentation was the biggest challenge for us. We found it difficult for the state to recognise the value of setting up a hotline and viewing CSAM in-house. Essentially, we want to help make their jobs easier and more efficient.

Why is there a need for a hotline in your country?  Is there any specific data you can share? 

The most important aspect for us is to invest in marketing and raise awareness in Serbia on CSAM because people are not well informed. For example, instead of referring to this illegal content as CSAM, the term ‘child pornography’ is commonly misused. We want to know how we can address this.

Additionally, we are focused on safety online and the safety of our children in general. Individuals call our helpline and ask questions about safety online, child abuse online, security, how to remove material, how to educate children not to post their photographs and text unknown people.

What kinds of reports can an internet user report to your hotline? Do you also operate as a helpline or provide offline support?

It was very challenging at the beginning in terms of reports because people did not recognise what they should report or not – so we made a simple report box for CSAM. Hate speech, the sexual abuse of children, child trafficking and other forms of child abuse and exploitation because we think it is all connected (to a potential child being endangered).

“We operate as a helpline. As a psychologist, I am live on the phone with callers (and victims of child sexual abuse) because they need advice, education, or psychological help with the victims of child sexual abuse. We have offices that are adapted for online counselling and offline support.” – Ružica Radović, Psychologist at Fondacija Tijana Jurić

Could you share the plans for your hotline?

Our primary plan and focus are to raise awareness on CSAM and establish cooperation with relevant stakeholders and government, to expand our network and have better collaboration with the police.

You can visit the NetPatrola Serbia website here.

Welcoming NetPatrola Serbia
21.03.2022 - by NetPatrola Serbia

We seek to empower our country and community through awareness, education and reducing the stigma on child sexual abuse material (CSAM)
