Events & Campaigns
Webinar: Data for change: listening to the voices of children about their experiences online
Schedule & Registration
Thursday 20th April at 3PM CET (9AM ET)
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How does the Safe Online initiative support the development of evidence-based solutions to make the internet safe for children?
During this webinar, Serena Tommasino from the Safe Online Initiative at the End Violence Partnership will highlight the importance of evidence generation to inform prevention, response and cross-sectoral efforts from the Safe Online $71 million investment portfolio with impact in more than 80 countries globally.
This includes sharing the key findings from the large-scale research project Disrupting Harm, implemented in 13 countries in Africa and Asia between 2019-2022 and currently ongoing in 11 additional countries between 2022-2025 that will be showcased by Daniel Kardefelt-Winther from UNICEF Innocenti. The session will demonstrate ways that data and evidence can inform policy change and tech industry practices.
Understanding children’s views and experiences is essential to identify and develop effective approaches and tools to both prevent and respond to the proliferation of online child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA).
This webinar aims to provide insights of how children interact on digital platforms, their perceptions of risk, and their experiences of online harms. It will include context-rich information and cross-countries analysis of children’s online experiences, disclosure and reporting patterns, links to other forms of violence against children, as well as survivors’ perspectives based on their experiences of online sexual abuse.
This webinar is focused on the digital safety of children. We recommend this webinar specifically to professionals working in Trust and Safety in the digital tech industry behind social media platforms. All registrants are subject to approval.
Speaker Biography
Serena Tommasino is the Safe Online Advocacy and Knowledge Lead at the End Violence Partnership where she provides technical guidance to support the investment portfolio and strategy, and the learning, knowledge dissemination and advocacy across the Safe Online grantees and partners. Serena has over 15 years of experience in violence prevention programs, policy dialogue and partnerships at national and international level. At UNICEF India, Serena led the country office’s violence prevention program, and at UNICEF Tunisia she conducted an in-depth situational analysis to support the development of the new cross-sector program for adolescents. Prior to joining UNICEF, Serena supported the work of the South Asia Regional Partnership to End Violence Against Children and spent four years working as a Child Protection Advisor for the Safeguarding Children Boards in England. She also worked in East Africa coordinating the work of a USAID-funded regional project and as Advisor to the European Union Presidency at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Daniel Kardefelt-Winther leads UNICEF’s research on Digital Engagement and Protection, at the Office of Global Research and Foresight. He works at the intersection of child rights and digital technology and has many years of experience in designing, implementing and managing cross-national comparative evidence generation involving children and adults. In his role at UNICEF, Daniel manages the Global Kids Online and Disrupting Harm projects, engaging in research with children in more than 30 low-middle income countries. He also supports UNICEF offices around the world with research expertise, training, knowledge management and capacity building initiatives, working alongside national governments and researcher partners. Daniel holds degrees in Computer Science (BSc) and Psychology (BSc) from Stockholm University, as well as in Management (MSc) and Media & Communications (PhD) from the London School of Economics. He also holds a post-doctoral research position in the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute.
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