INHOPE | The FPB celebrates Safer Internet Day 2022
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The FPB celebrates Safer Internet Day 2022

The Film and Publication Board (FPB) amped up their annual Safer Internet Day campaign in 2022, broadening the impact of key messages to South African communities. Aligning to the global theme “Together for a Better Internet”, the FPB expanded the message by including a sub-theme: “All Fun and Games? Exploring Respect and Relationships Online”.

A build-up campaign in the week leading to 8 February 2022 saw public education events at 18 schools (including 3 Special Needs schools). An energetic Twitter Space session with two Brand Ambassadors in the digital safety advocacy space rounded off the build-up on 7 February 2022.

The commemoration day main event accommodated 200 school children from 20 schools, along with their teachers and school social workers. In true Covid-19 era style, the main event audience was also extended through a webinar and live stream on social media. Live coverage from two community radio stations, four radio interviews and one television interview further amplified the reach of campaign messages.

Stakeholders from different segments of South African society added to the impact of the main event programme. The panel discussion with global giants Meta, Google and TikTok provided insight into the role of internet/digital service providers in cyber safety, with curated questions from the children diving deep into the challenges that young people currently face online.

Additionally, partners from the public and civil society sectors weighed in with presentations ranging from the positive aspects and benefits of the internet, promoting responsible online behaviour, and creating awareness of social ills that have been multiplied through digital platforms and social media.

Please note that the term Child ‘Pornography’ implies consent and a child cannot give consent to sexual activities. And thus, we use the term Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM).

The FPB celebrates Safer Internet Day 2022
16.02.2022 - by The Film and Publication Board (FPB)

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