Hotline & Network Updates
Introducing Ora de Net - Romanian Safer Internet Program name change
The Safer Internet Program was established in Romania in 2008, with funding from the European Commission, and the aim of promoting the use of the internet by children and adolescents in a creative, useful and safe way. The project materialized through the partnership between Save the Children and Focus Romania, which ensured the operation of the Safernet Hotline.
In 2015, when Save the Children took over coordination of the hotline component from their former partners in the Consortium and applied for INHOPE membership, all strands of the project had different approaches in terms of visual representation, tone of voice and online positioning. Moreover, there were two different websites, none adapted to mobile devices, with outdated visual identity and security frameworks.
Less than a year after the hotline was taken over and operated by Save the Children, an experienced digital agency was contacted in order to develop a rebranding of the project’s components and come up with an integrated identity. The project was transformed into Ora de Net (Internet Class), with esc_ABUZ (escape abuse) Hotline and ctrl_AJUTOR (control help) Helpline, thus ensuring efficient communication to the target audience of the project's purpose, the construction of expressive and easy-to-remember names and logos.
The adapted new identity and strategy allowed for easier public communication of esc_ABUZ Hotline, for adapted and mobile-friendly website and link to relevant awareness resources aimed at different target groups and thus better results in terms of awareness and promotion.
You can find Ora de Net's new website here.

Photo by Ora de Net, Save the Children Romania, INHOPE
The project was transformed into Ora de Net (Internet Class), with esc_ABUZ (escape abuse) Hotline and ctrl_AJUTOR (control help) Helpline.