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New Digital Well-being and Positive Behavior Resources - SaferNet Brasil
In late 2019, INHOPE's Brazilian hotline SaferNet and Instagram launched two amazing campaigns in Brazil. The first one worked around Cyberbullying from a youth perspective. Enforcing different roles teenagers can have at a concrete bullying situation, the campaign was created with direct youth participation and inputs. The great animated stories produced for Instagram promote a more emphatic and positive online interaction. The Infographic stimulates upstander actions and can be a nice start conversation resource for educators and parents. To amplify the discussion about online discrimination, IGTV videos with a long-standing celebrity made possible an emotional and strong reflection about resilience and recovery with all positives approaches online content can generate. Celebrities and youth representatives shared their stories of overcoming childhood bullying situations. These 6 powerful conversations are available at SaferNet Brazil IGTV #ÉdaMinhaConta (#It'sMyBusiness) and have reached more than 7M views at the @Xuxameneghel official account.
The newest initiative, also in partner with Instagram, created practical and inspiring content to promote more balanced Internet use and stimulate reflections about well-being in the digital age. With sincere testimonies videos from digital creators and youth Internet users, the #DigitalSemPressão (#DigitalWithoutPression) videos, illustrated cards, and stories offer a nice start point to rethink social media routines during the vacations and new year plans.

Photo by SaferNet Brasil, INHOPE
These 6 powerful conversations have reached more than 7m views.