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12th Safer Internet Day in Brazil (Dia da Internet Segura 2020)
SaferNet Brazil and the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (, with support from Facebook, Google, Instagram, and Telefonica, in partnership with UNICEF, the Federal Prosecutors Office, and other special partners will celebrate the 12th Safer Internet Day in Brazil. Awareness-raising activities are planned at partner schools and NGOs to engage children, youth, parents, and educators in Brazil. The main planned activities are:
Multi-stakeholder Hub event taking place on 11 February 2020 at São Paulo - SP
Special satellites events: 1) a technical meeting to discuss online safety by design with Brazilian IT experts and professional from Internet companies in partnership with Google Campus for Startups Brazil; 2) A creative meeting with youth group to think about new perspectives on Digital well-being campaigns at Facebook Hack Station in Brazil in partner with Instagram; 3) Workshops with educators to strengthen online safety and media literacy; 4) Launch of new e-learning trainings with Unicef Brazil; 5) New SaferNet Helpline and Hotline 2019 reports.
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Photo by SaferNet Brasil, INHOPE
Awareness-raising activities are planned at partner schools and NGOs to engage children, youth, parents, and educators in Brazil