INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | Meet Ashley, INHOPE's Digital Marketing Intern

Meet Ashley, INHOPE's Digital Marketing Intern

Get to know the people behind INHOPE with our team member spotlight.

Ashley Young

Digital Communications Intern, joined INHOPE in February 2024.

Why do you work at INHOPE?

I intern at INHOPE because I am passionate and prideful to be working for the advocation of child protection and safety online. My favourite part of working at INHOPE is learning from and being a part of a team that is deeply committed towards this cause, which has been both enriching and inspiring. As the youngest member at INHOPE, I aim to raise awareness and educate my peers about CSAM and its impact, while empowering them by promoting accessible ways to enact meaningful change.

What brought you to the Netherlands?

I came to the Netherlands to pursue an undergraduate degree at the University of Amsterdam. I am currently in my third year of the Communication Science program and will be graduating in the fall.

How do you spend your weekends?

On the weekends, I enjoy watching movies at the cinema, reading books, and most of all going out to eat!

Who inspires you?

My parents inspire me most due to their unwavering support and self-sacrifice towards ensuring my well-being and success in life. While growing up, I had always felt safe and nurtured knowing that I would have their support no matter the circumstance. Not only are they my biggest inspirations, but they are also my biggest motivators!

What is your favourite quote?

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives."

Meet Ashley, INHOPE's Digital Marketing Intern