Hotline & Network Updates Twitter Chat organized a Twitter chat in Germany on the sexual abuse of minors.
Under the hashtag #sexualisierteGewaltstoppen and #wissenschützt i.e. stop sexual violence and knowledge protects, it was a Q&A session of around 60 minutes with 12 questions and answers from different partner organizations. It included the correct wording, prevention, safety online, and the so-called grey areas. For example, why we should avoid the term ‘child pornography’ and where children, as well as adults, can get help and advice whenever they come across this topic, but also how they can avoid these conflicts in the first place. joined efforts with its partner hotlines FSM and eco and other German organizations in the field of the protection of minors: UBSKM, ECPAT Germany, the child protection centers, the prevention network ‘Kein Täter werden’, juuuport, the Stiftung Digitale Chancen, klicksafe, the Hilfetelefon Sexueller Missbrauch and the helpline Nummer gegen Kummer.

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It included the correct wording, prevention, safety online, and the so-called grey areas.