Hotline & Network Updates
Save the Children Finland - Hotline of the Month, November 2019
Finnish hotline had an excellent media coverage over the last month. The hotline’s manager and Senior Advisor Nina Vaaranen-Valkonen and Advisor Hanna-Leena Laitinen gave multiple interviews for media; including the country's largest daily newspaper, one of the country’s biggest online media and one of the Finland's most popular television channel, MTV3.
Finnish hotline Advisor Hanna-Leena met with the Finnish Minister of the Interior Maria Ohisalo’s Special Assistant Sami Kerman to discuss child rights in digital media and preparatory work for Finland’s National Strategy for Children.
Vaaranen-Valkonen and Laitinen finalised their article Preventing child sexual harassment, grooming and sexual violence against children for the Finnish National Guidelines to prevent violence against children 2030. Vaaranen-Valkonen will give a speech at the Supporting Non-violent and Participatory Childhoods conference 26th of November. The aim of the conference is an improved common understanding on the European level of ways to promote violence-free childhood, with a focus on how child participation can help to achieve that. Her speech is a part of the Session "Novel landscapes and new challenges in preventing violence towards children" and it’s about online sexual violence against children.

Photo by Save the Children Finland, INHOPE
The National Strategy for Children is prepared in order to improve the wellbeing of children, young people and families in Finland.