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What is CPORT?

CPORT is a two-year project launched in January 2023 by a project consortium consisting of INHOPE, ZIUZ Visual Intelligence, INTERPOL, Norwegian law enforcement agency Politidirektoratet, the Belgian Federal Police, Moldovan law enforcement agency Inspectoratul General AL Politiei and French law enforcement agency Gendarmerie nationale - Ministere de l'interieur. The project is funded by the European Commission DG Home via Internal Security Fund (ISF).

The ICCAM system offers a technological solution for our member hotlines to exchange and process reports of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) online between different jurisdictions. ICCAM, therefore, facilitates the secure exchange of illegal material between hotlines for the purpose of rapid removal. So far, the system has only been available for INHOPE member hotlines. The launch of project CPORT aims to further expand ICCAM usage, as it will allow national law enforcement agencies around the world to access the ICCAM portal.

Why do we need CPORT?

The hard reality is that hotlines are witnessing an increasing number of reports of suspected illegal material. In 2022 alone, over half a million reports of potentially illegal content were exchanged in the ICCAM system. In order to keep up with incoming reports and guarantee the rapid processing and removal of CSAM, streamlined communication between hotlines and law enforcement agencies is crucial.

  • The CPORT Project facilitates information exchange and intelligence flow between key players like INTERPOL, national law enforcement and INHOPE by providing law enforcement agencies with access to ICCAM.

  • This will strengthen the overall communication and cooperation between hotlines and law enforcement, and consequently allow for more efficient processing.

  • CPORT will establish a two-way data exchange between law enforcement and hotlines which will allow hotlines analysts to directly contribute to the INTERPOL International Child Sexual Exploitation Database (ICSE) and INTERPOL 'Worst Of' List (IWOL) - a list of domains that disseminates the most severe CSAM worldwide.

  • As a result, law enforcement agencies will get more enriched data allowing them to spend more time and resources on investigations.

CPORT is about establishing overall efficiencies that streamline the processing of reports of CSAM and this includes capacity building. Content assessment training and focus groups will be held through the project for hotline analysts and law enforcement officers.

Work in law enforcement? Be the first in line for a free CPORT demonstration upon availability - signup here.

Project CPORT is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Interested in learning more about Project CPORT? Contact Grete Raidma the CPORT Project Manager at

What is CPORT?