Hotline & Network Updates
The Ministry of Interior and Point de Contact join forces against illegal content online
On the 1st of December 2020, Marlène Schiappa, Minister Delegate for Citizenship, attached to the Ministry of Interior, signed a partnership agreement with the French hotline Point de Contact.
Acknowledging the central role of Point de Contact in the fight against illegal content online, at the national as well as the international level, the French Ministry of Interior and Point de Contact strengthen their cooperation with the appointment of a liaison officer of the National Gendarmerie, who joins the French hotline for at least three years. In his capacity as a technical adviser, the liaison officer will have as a mission to:
- reinforce the mutual understanding among the hotline, the Ministry and the internet companies, members of the hotline, as well as explore solutions and best practices in the fight against illegal content online;
- facilitate the establishment of an efficient reporting process between the French Law Enforcement and the internet companies, members of the hotline;
- undertake concrete actions of prevention and contribute to initiatives against re-dissemination of illegal content online;
- support the hotline, as an “ambassador” of the Ministry of the Interior, in European and international programmes.
This stronger partnership aims at a common action for preventive vigilance, better moderation of the cyberspace, efficient reporting process, and prompt removal of illegal content.

This stronger partnership aims at a common action for preventive vigilance, better moderation of the cyberspace, efficient reporting process, and prompt removal of illegal content.