Stronger Together
The Stronger Together project supports the coordination of the INHOPE network of hotlines by strengthening our capacity building and awareness raising work. With the support of DG Justice, European Commission, under the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme, the Stronger Together operating grant focuses on support to European networks, such as INHOPE, which strengthen the protection and promotion of Union values and respect for the rule of law.
Programme Objectives
INHOPE’s work falls under these objectives as the network contributes to the implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU, and the EU Strategy on the rights of the child. All INHOPE member hotlines remove child sexual abuse material from the internet, and twenty European hotlines also process online illegal reports containing discrimination, racism, xenophobia and all forms of intolerance.
Project Activities
As part of the Stronger Together project, INHOPE hotlines have an opportunity to visit and learn from each other through the Peer 2 Peer Exchange Programme. These visits facilitate the development of Best Practice Papers, Guidelines and Templates which INHOPE makes available to internet hotlines worldwide to support hotline capacity and high-quality operations. Capacity building is also fostered by bringing advanced analysts together to create material for the INHOPE online training platform and provide content and feedback for all training programmes for hotline analysts.
Through the Stronger Together project, INHOPE promotes key messages across the network and unites hotlines through network-wide campaigns. These raising awareness activities ensure that policymakers and key stakeholders are informed about the work of hotlines and take action to further tackle the production and distribution of CSAM online. This project is funded by the European Union.
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Interested in learning more about Stronger Together:
Grete Raidma, Project Manager -**

Raising awareness activities ensure that policymakers and key stakeholders are informed about the work of hotlines and take action to further tackle the production and distribution of CSAM online.