INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | Meet Hadiya, INHOPE's Financial Project Associate

Meet Hadiya, INHOPE's Financial Project Associate

Get to know the people behind INHOPE with our team member spotlight.

Hadiya Riaz

Financial Project Associate, joined INHOPE in June 2023.

Why did you move to the Netherlands?

I originally moved to the Netherlands because of my husband. Honestly, it was quite intimidating at first but this place has definitely grown on me and it almost feels like home now. I live in Enschede which is very diverse and it gives the city a whole new layer and depth.

How has your background shaped who you are?

I have had a very good support system growing up. I have always been surrounded by people who cheered me up which has made me confident and independent. I am not scared of trying new things and making mistakes because I have a cushion of strength and support to fall back on.

What do you do outside of office hours?

Outside of work, I am redesigning my home and working on my library which takes most of my time. I also love to read, travel and explore new cuisines. So, when I am not working, I am either reading a novel or going out to try new food and explore.

Why do you work at INHOPE?

One of the main reasons I joined INHOPE was its mission. I have worked on several social actions projects back in Pakistan and I missed doing that when I moved to the Netherlands so accepting this job offer was one of the easiest decisions I have ever made. Working here is even better than I had initially thought it to be.

Meet Hadiya, INHOPE's Financial Project Associate