INHOPE | La Strada Launches New Awareness Campaign on SID 2024
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La Strada Launches New Awareness Campaign on SID 2024

On the occasion of Safer Internet Day, the International Center La Strada launched the national campaign "It's more than an image, it is abuse". The campaign aims to raise public awareness on the issue of online child sexual abuse and exploitation, by encouraging them to report child sexual abuse materials on the platform.

The platform provides information, guidance, emotional support and referral, if necessary, to free psychological and legal assistance for children who have suffered from sexual abuse online. Beginning with April 2023 the platform allows people to report illegal content, contributing to a cleaner and safer digital space for children. From its launch Siguronline Hotline, coordinated by the International Center La Strada removed from the Internet more than 5,000 illegal images.

The Campaign also aims to raise awareness among the community of professionals in the ICT industry about the existing mechanism for reporting child sexual abuse and to encourage their support in removing content from the online environment. Between February and March, several activities shall be organised in schools to promote messages on child online safety emphasising the importance of reporting illegal content on the Internet.

Visit the Siguronline hotline here.

La Strada Launches New Awareness Campaign on SID 2024
- by Siguronline Hotline

Visit the Siguronline hotline here
