Hotline & Network Updates
La Strada - Hotline Progress in Moldova
Online child sexual abuse material (CSAM), now increasingly targeting younger children, has been spreading at an alarming rate. In 2022, more than 32 million reports of suspected CSAM, represented a historical peak. 8372 of these reports referred to material hosted in Moldova (according to NCMEC).
During the first three months of activity, the Siguronline hotline, run by the International Centre La Strada Moldova, removed 3311 images or videos containing CSAM from the internet. 1226 reports were assessed by the hotline analysts and 4 out of 5 reports were confirmed to contain CSAM. The majority of reported images (62%) depicted girls, although an increase in the number of materials depicting boys has been observed.
Every second child represented in these images/videos is prepubescent, with the youngest child being only two years old. On average, CSAM hosted in Moldova has been removed within 2,5 days.
The Siguronline hotline became part of the INHOPE network on April 25 this year, joining the fight against harmful content and harmful conduct. The hotline offers the public and service providers an easy way to quickly and anonymously report suspected CSAM Photo and video images in which minors appear partially undressed, in nude poses or involved in real and simulated sexual activities can be reported to be removed from the online environment on the platform. The reporting procedure is confidential and free of charge.
Visit Siguronline here.