INHOPE | Interview with Anastasia Dyka

Interview with Anastasia Dyka

How long have you been with INHOPE and what is your role?

I’ve been with INHOPE since February 2022, when I started as a content marketing intern. After my 5 month long internship, I was offered a full-time role as a content marketeer. And since the summer 2023, I am permanently working as INHOPE’s content specialist.

If you had to name 3 things you learned or gained from your internship at INHOPE, what would they be?

  • How to be confident in tackling issues independently. While INHOPE provides loads of guidance where necessary, I was also given a lot of individual responsibility from the get-go. It helped me gain confidence in my abilities and decision-making skills.
  • I developed an eye for writing, and editing that I probably already had somewhere deep within me, but that only really came out with practice and experience. I am able to identify structural issues with texts and create more engaging and interesting articles.
  • How to manage my time most efficiently. I was already an organised person but through the internship, I learned how to juggle different tasks and deadlines at the same time, while remaining organised.

How was the transition from Intern to employee?

The transition was very smooth. I took one month off after finishing my Bachelor's to travel, but once I returned to a full-time position at INHOPE I was able to adapt within a couple of days. The internship perfectly prepared me for my new full-time role. While I felt more responsibility and was trusted to work more independently with time, I was already familiar with most of the tasks, which made the transition easy and enjoyable.

How would you describe the work culture within INHOPE?

I would describe it in 5 key terms: supportive, motivational, independent, respectful, and driven.

What does a typical work day for you look like?

First thing I do in the mornings is check my messages, both emails and Teams messages. Once that’s taken care of and I have replied and organised my inbox I’ll usually scan some of our social accounts, like LinkedIn and Instagram to (1) make sure our content went out properly and as scheduled (2) to stay on top of any important news that might have been posted by my network. I make note of any new developments in online child protection and then move on to my other tasks.

Starting from here activities depend on the day and time of year. Every Monday and Thursday I have regular scheduled catch-up calls with my team to discuss any updates, review content, or ask and answer questions. But besides these regular meetings, my day-to-day varies quite a lot depending on the types of campaigns, projects or events I am currently working on. Sometimes I’ll have many meetings going over content, brainstorming ideas, reviewing designs or discussing ongoing and upcoming activities.

Other times I’ll be mostly working independently on creating newsletters, researching new ideas, drafting articles, editing and reviewing submitted content, or drafting new copy.

What would you say to someone considering applying for an INHOPE internship?

Firstly, make sure that the themes and topics we work with are something you can and want to handle. Once you have made that decision – go for it! Working in this field is incredibly fulfilling, the team is great, the tasks are varied and the growth opportunities are vast. There is always something new to learn, which means it’s almost impossible to get bored.

Interview with Anastasia Dyka

There is always something new to learn, which means it’s almost impossible to get bored.
