Hotline & Network Updates
Internet Hotline Hungary celebrated its 10th anniversary
The Internet Hotline information and help service operated by the National Media and Infocommunications Authority started operation in September 2011. This provided a reason for celebration at a small-scale event with the hotline’s stakeholders, professional partners with whom Internet Hotline regularly collaborates to maximise the accuracy and efficiency of its work.
In the past decade, the number of reports submitted to Internet Hotline has drastically increased. While in the first year of operation, there were around 500 registered reports, in 2021, analysts have dealt with over 5000 pieces. Although there are nine different reporting categories, nearly 80 per cent of all reports have been submitted in the child sexual abuse (CSAM) category in 2021.
The event was a great occasion to talk about the milestones of the hotline’s operation in retrospect and to share success stories with important cooperating partners of the hotline who have represented themselves at the event. This includes the National Bureau of Investigation, the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, the Blue Line Child Crisis Foundation, and the Self-Regulatory Advertising Board.

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