INHOPE | INCIBE: A Roadshow for Cybersecurity Awareness
Hotline & Network Updates

INCIBE: A Roadshow for Cybersecurity Awareness

The Spanish hotline INCIBE is organising an awareness-raising experience for the general public, with a special focus on children, teenagers and families to promote safe internet use and prevent cybersecurity risks.

The hotline will be travelling through Spain to teach about online safety through a combination of playful and didactic methods in indoor and outdoor spaces, which will include:

  • Gamification Zone: Visitors can improve their cybersecurity awareness through a series of online games.
  • Escape Room: Visitors take on the role of a cybersecurity incident response team.
  • Training Room: Equipped with tips and practical tools.
  • Outdoor area: Engaging awareness games
  • Cabin 017: A room raising awareness of the helpline for preventive and reactive cybersecurity issues and the responsible use of the internet.

The main themes and objectives of this initiative are to:

  • Help families in their role of parental mediation online
  • Promote the use of parental control tools
  • Raise awareness about potential dangers in contact with strangers.
  • Advise minors on how to react to inappropriate requests.
  • Raise awareness of the risks of sexting.
  • Improve privacy and digital identity management.

For more information, please click here.

INCIBE: A Roadshow for Cybersecurity Awareness

For more information, please click here.
