INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | FSM: Youth Media Protection Index 2022
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FSM: Youth Media Protection Index 2022

For the second time, the Association for Voluntary Self-Regulation of Digital Media Service Providers (FSM) has conducted a representative survey among German children, young people and their parents on the topic of dealing with online-related risks. The Youth Media Protection Index (“Jugendmedienschutzindex”) provides insight into the concerns, attitudes, skills and actions of parents and their children regarding the use of online media.

77 per cent of parents in Germany are concerned that their child encounters stressful or problematic experiences when using the internet – only 44 per cent of the adolescents themselves are worried. Parents mainly worry about contact and content risks – children and young people are more concerned with the behaviour of (other) adolescents. Although parents are more concerned than they were five years ago, their actions to protect minors from harmful online experiences are declining. They seem to find it difficult to strike the right balance between protecting children while also allowing them to participate online.

Furthermore, the study examines the interviewee’s awareness of and attitude towards support services or reporting and complaint options, such as internet hotlines or helplines. In 2022, 78 per cent of parents who knew at least one point of contact for reporting harmful online content, have heard of the German hotlines (eco, FSM and before. Among the group of children and teens who knew at least one point of contact for online complaints, 31 per cent would potentially contact an internet hotline.

More information and a presentation of the study’s results are now available in English here.

FSM: Youth Media Protection Index 2022
- by FSM

More information and a presentation of the study’s results are now available in English here.
