Hotline & Network Updates
Finnish Hotline's Annual Seminar 2023
The Finnish Hotline Nettivihje organised the “Recognise and Protect – perspectives to child sexual abuse through research and practice” seminar together with the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland on November 15, 2023.
The seminar aimed to provide information on the latest research on combating child sexual abuse and share practical knowledge for professionals working with children or perpetrators. Presentations included topics like the sexual abuse of youth who have left foster care without permission, children as victims of crimes, online paedophile communities, and child victim investigations. A head nurse from the Adolescent Psychiatry field shared about her work with children who have experienced sexual abuse. Another professional, working with people who have sexual interest towards children spoke about the prevention of child sexual abuse by supporting the people who are at risk of committing a crime.
The hybrid seminar had 60 in-person participants and 745 views online. The event received excellent feedback via the feedback form: 4,8 on a scale of 1 to 5. Based on the form the participants found that they received new, useful information and that their understanding of child sexual abuse increased. Nettivihje will continue the tradition of hosting an annual seminar in 2024. Preparations for the seminar will start early next year.