INHOPE | EU strategy to fight child sexual abuse - Part 5
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EU strategy to fight child sexual abuse - Part 5

Following on from our article on point 4 of EU strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse:

5. Enable Member States to better protect children through prevention

Since the 2011 adoption of the Child Abuse Directive, and highlighted in point five of the EU Strategy, there have been delays in EU Member States fully implementing prevention programmes where multiple types of stakeholders are needed to take action. Research into what motivates individuals to become offenders is scarce and fragmented and the communication between practitioners and researchers in terms of impact evaluation and best practices is minimal.

The Commission’s proposed solution? A prevention network at EU level. The goal of this network is to provide a hub for exchanging of best practices, and support Member States in putting in place usable, rigorously evaluated and effective prevention measures to decrease the prevalence of child sexual abuse in the EU.

INHOPE believes that to achieve our goal of an internet free of CSAM, offering support to people experiencing sexual feelings towards children to prevent them from abusing a child is essential. To help individuals access the support that’s available, INHOPE recently launched a prevention platform which directs individuals to internationally and locally available support.

In recognition of the current lack of evaluative research, we also published a report offering some analysis of existing measures and exploring the possibilities for increased collaboration between hotlines and prevention initiatives.

Would you feel comfortable seeking help if you had sexual feelings for children?

Are you aware of prevention initiatives operating in your area?

Find your local services here.

Read about Point 6 of the EU strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse here.

Source: EU strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse

EU strategy to fight child sexual abuse - Part 5

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