INHOPE | Data Exchange & Intelligence Forum
Events & Campaigns

Data Exchange & Intelligence Forum

Today, we announce that our first Project CPORT public event "Data Exchange & Intelligence Forum" will be held on September 28 in Amsterdam. This forum is aimed at strengthening cooperation and collaboration between law enforcement, hotlines and industry. Learn more about the event here.

The hard reality is that the world is witnessing an increasing number of reports of suspected illegal material depicting child sexual abuse and exploitation online. Over half a million reports of potentially illegal CSAM were exchanged between hotlines in ICCAM in 2022, meaning that thousands of reports per day are entered into the ICCAM system. To keep up with incoming reports and guarantee the rapid processing and removal of CSAM, streamlined communication between private sector, hotlines and law enforcement agencies is crucial. This forum will cover two key topics: (1) improving multistakeholder approach to fighting CSAM and (2) enriching and optimising data exchange & actionable intelligence.

1) Improving multistakeholder approach to fighting CSAM

As CSAM is increasingly impacting all the stakeholders in the field of Child Safety Online, it is time to join the forces and start close multi-stakeholder collaboration to efficiently tackle this crime. For this, it is crucial to establish strong and trusting relationships across the sectors and understand better how each stakeholder is tackling CSAM. Once the foundation is created, it gives great opportunities to learn from each other, jointly detect obstacles in the fight against CSAM and explore opportunities on how to support all stakeholders.

Coordinated with partners from ZIUZ Visual Intelligence, INTERPOL, Politidirektoratet (KRIPOS), Belgian Federal Police (BFP), Inspectoratul General AL Politiei (MIARP) and Gendarmerie nationale - Ministere de L'interieur (CNAIP) this forum will strengthen cooperation and collaboration between law enforcement, hotlines and industry.

2) Enriching and optimising data exchange & actionable Intelligence

Each stakeholder in the field of Child Online Safety holds invaluable information that can stop the exchange of CSAM online and lead to saving a victim. Once the information and know-how are freely and efficiently exchanged between these stakeholders, the chance of stopping CSAM and saving victims will be much higher than ever before.

Project CPORT is all about improving the quality of and optimising the exchange of information across different stakeholders. On one hand we are connecting hotlines and law enforcement through building law enforcement portal CPORT into the ICCAM system which offers a technological solution for INHOPE member hotlines to exchange and process reports of CSAM online between different jurisdictions. On the other hand, we are promoting private-public partnerships by organising events, such as this one, to facilitate information and know-how exchange and promote already existing tools connecting all stakeholders, like IWOL list.

The key takeaways of this forum will improve the quality of information and optimise the technology to offer multistakeholder benefits. Remember: Cooperation and automation are essential to process CSAM reports quickly and efficiently.

What we offer you

Attend this year's forum to join an international team of industry experts, law enforcement, and government agencies in building future-proof CSAM report processing technology.

CPORT is about establishing overall efficiencies that streamline the processing of reports of CSAM and this includes capacity building. We will introduce you the INHOPE secure platform ICCAM and the law enforcement portal CPORT; be the first to get a demonstration! We will also provide you a platform to strengthen cooperation between other sectors of Child Online Safety and invite you to explore with all the stakeholders the possibilities on improving quality and efficiency of information exchange.

Find out more about the forum and FAQs, or get access to the latest agenda here.

When should I sign-up?

As soon as possible. This is an in-person only event in Amsterdam, therefore, numbers are limited and registration will close once capacity is reached.

Travel and attendance of LEA officers (from EU Member States) will be reimbursed by INHOPE, however, all registrations are subject to approval. So, don't wait, make sure to save your spot today! Learn more and register here.

Project CPORT is funded by the European Commission’s DG Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) and will be made available to law enforcement globally. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Interested in learning more about Project CPORT:
Grete Raidma, Project Manager -

Data Exchange & Intelligence Forum

Travel and attendance of LEA officers from EU Member States will be reimbursed by INHOPE, however, all registrations are subject to approval.

Learn more and register here.
