INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | Better Internet for Kids - Project Review 2015-2016

Better Internet for Kids - Project Review 2015-2016

Following a succession of Safer Internet programmes from 1999 to 2013, the Better Internet for Kids (BIK) project is the latest European Commission-funded initiative aimed at creating a better Internet for Europe's children and youth. A project review has recently been published, providing an overview of the project and describing some of the highlights so far.
Established as part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the BIK project's mission is to increase access to high-quality content for children and young people, step up awareness and empowerment, create a safe environment for children online and fight against child sexual abuse and exploitation. To do this, the project offers a series of core services through a pan-European online platform and also coordinates and animates a European network of Safer Internet Centres (SICs).

The core service platform facilitates the exchange of knowledge, expertise, resources and best practices between key stakeholders, including, youth, parents, SIC members, teachers, researchers and industry.
The European network of Safer Internet Centres covers 27 EU Member states plus Iceland, Norway, Russia and Serbia. Each SIC typically comprises an awareness centre, helpline, hotline and youth panel.
This first phase of the project has been jointly managed by European Schoolnet (EUN), which coordinates the Insafe network of awareness centres, helplines and youth panels, and by the International Association of Internet Hotlines (INHOPE), for the hotline node and dedicated to the removal of illegal online content.

Together, Insafe and INHOPE also reach out to policymakers, law enforcement agencies, industry, teachers, parents and youth through participation in meetings such as the Safer Internet Forum (SIF) and the organisation of events and campaigns such as the global celebration of Safer Internet Day (SID).

Visit the Better Internet for Kids (BIK) portal for the latest news on the BIK agenda.

Better Internet for Kids - Project Review 2015-2016
12.09.2016 - by INHOPE
Photo by INHOPE, European Commission

The European network of Safer Internet Centres covers 27 EU Member states plus Iceland, Norway, Russia and Serbia.
