INHOPE | 13th Conference on Online Child Sexual Abuse
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13th Conference on Online Child Sexual Abuse

On September 19, 2023, the 13th Conference on Child Sexual Abuse Online was jointly organised by the Spletno oko hotline, the Criminal Police Directorate of the General Police Directorate of Slovenia, and the Association of Informatics and Telecommunications of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. The conference attracted over 300 participants, with many joining remotely via an online stream.

The program featured two lectures in English. Dr. Elena Martellozzo, a renowned criminologist, discussed online harms, grooming, and the impact of pornography on children and young people. In the second lecture, Emilie Coomans, a Policy Advisor at Child Focus, the Belgian Foundation for missing and sexually exploited children, examined transactional sexting and its societal implications. Both lectures are available on the Spletno Oko Youtube Channel.

Other presenters addressed various topics, including the impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on online sexual victimization of children (presented by doc. dr. sc. Bruna Profaca from the Zagreb Child and Youth Protection Center), Slovenian research on gender-based online violence and online pornography (discussed by Ajda Petek from the Awareness Centre, and the nature of modern virtual communities and the associated risks (explored by Rok Gumzej from the Logout - Centre for Digital Wellbeing).

At the event, we also presented our new manual on Child and Adolescent Online Sexual Abuse. In the manual, we address the issue, provide tips for preventive measures, and outline possible actions to take in case of incidents. We've dedicated a special section to new and emerging risks.

Visit Spletno Oko for more information.

13th Conference on Online Child Sexual Abuse
- by Spletno Oko

Visit Spletno Oko for more information.
