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Select an organisation
Akrotiri and Dhekelia - Reporting Portal
Albania - Isigurt (CRCA)
Angola - Reporting Portal
Anguilla - Reporting Portal
Argentina - Grooming Argentina
Ascension Islands - Reporting Portal
Australia - Cyber Report
Austria - Stopline
Belgium - Child Focus
Belize - Reporting Portal
Bermuda - Reporting Portal
Bosnia & Herzegovina - International Forum of Solidarity - EMMAUS
Brasil - Safernet
British Virgin Islands - Reporting Portal
Bulgaria - Safenet
Burundi - Reporting Portal
Cambodia - APLE
Cayman Islands - Reporting Portal
Colombia - TeProtejo
Comoros - Reporting Portal
Cote d'Ivoire - Reporting Portal
Croatia - CNZD
Cyprus - Cybersafety
Czech Republic -
Democratic Republic of Congo - Reporting Portal
Denmark - Report It (AnmeldDet) - Denmark
El Salvador - Reporting Portal
Estonia - Vihjeliin
Falklands - Reporting Portal
Finland - Nettivihje - Finland
France - Point de Contact
Germany - eco
Germany - FSM
Germany -
Ghana - Reporting Portal
Gibraltar - Reporting Portal
Greece - SafeLine
Guatemala - Reporting Poral
Haiti - Reporting Portal
Hungary - Biztonsagosinternet
Hungary - Internet Hotline
Iceland - Barnaheill
India - Reporting Portal
Indonesia - Reporting Portal
Ireland -
Italy - Save The Children Italy
Italy - Telefono Azzurro
Japan - Internet Hotline Center Japan (Pole to Win)
Kenya - Reporting Portal
Latvia - Drossinternets
Liberia - Reporting Portal
Lithuania - Svarus Internetas
Luxembourg - BEE Secure Stopline
Madagascar - Reporting Portal
Malawi - Reporting Portal
Malaysia - Reporting Portal
Mali - Reporting Portal
Malta - Be Smart Online
Mauritius - Reporting Portal
Mexico - Fundacion Pas
Moldova - La Strada
Mongolia - Reporting Portal
Montserrat - Reporting Portal
Morocco - Reporting Portal
Mozambique - Reporting Portal
Namibia - Reporting Portal
Nepal - Reporting Portal
Netherlands - Offlimits
New Zealand - Netsafe
Nigeria - ACSAI Nigeria
Pakistan - Reporting Portal
Philippines - ECPAT Philippines
Pitcairn - Reporting Portal
Poland -
Portugal - Linha Internet Segura
Romania - Ora de Net
Russia - Friendly Runet Foundation
Senegal - Reporting Portal
Serbia - NetPatrola
Sierra Leone - Reporting Portal
Slovakia - Ochran Ma
Slovenia - Spletno Oko
South Africa - Film Publication Board
South Korea - KCSC
Spain - INCIBE
St Helena - Reporting Portal
Sweden - ECPAT Sweden
Taiwan - Web547
Tanzania - Reporting Portal
Thailand - Thai Hotline
The Gambia - Reporting Portal
Tristan Da Cunha - Reporting Portal
Tunisia - Reporting Portal
Turkey - Ihbar Web
Turks and Caicos - Reporting Portal
Uganda - Reporting Portal
Ukraine - StopCrime
United Kingdom - Internet Watch Foundation
United States of America - Cybertipline
Zambia - Reporting Portal
Zimbabwe - Reporting Portal